KSWN1401V KS14
Оптова кухня кухонної кухонної табуретки з захисною залізницею та туалетним табуретом, 2-in-1 малюк кухонного табурета стояла башта та кроковий стілець для дітей, Малюк для навчання помічника для 18+ місяць, природний
- safe and reliable: the kids step stool has a 4-sided railing covered with eva padding for all-around protection and for little ones to grip comfortably. the toilet stool with a non-slip seat enables children to develop their ability to use the toilet
- ample space: the kitchen step stool offers a spacious standing board with dimensions of 15"L x 11.8"w, ideal for your little ones. the toilet stool with a non-slip surface is 15"L x 11.8"W X 10.4"h and can be used to meet different needs of family members
- two modes of use: this step stool set helps children develop standing abilities and grooming skills, and participate in meal preparation. as children grow, remove the top parts to transform the tower into a 2-step stool for kids' study, meal, тощо
- міцна конструкція: crafted with quality particleboard, this standing tower has an a-shaped leg structure for enhanced stability. it is strong with the centerboard loading up to 220 фунт. the included anti-tip kit provides added safety during use
- easy setup and easy to clean: this step stool and toilet seat have a simple structure with a clear installation manual, allowing for easy installation. after use, simply wipe the step stool and toilet stool with a cloth to make them new again
kids kitchen step stool with safety rail
- забарвлення: природний
- матеріал: Інженерна деревина, метал, eva
- Розмір товару: 15"L x 11.8"W X 36.2"h
- Вага продукту: 16.5 фунт