CWHR8001V CW80

Оптовий корпус котячих коробки, Меблі для сміття, приховані з роздільником, Дерев’яні меблі для умивальників, в приміщенні котячий будинок, кінцевий стіл, тумбочка, Встановіть більшу частину коробки для сміття, сільський коричневий

SKU: CWHR8001V Категорія:


  • entrance that can be flipped left and right: our cat litter box adopts a reversible entrance design. the barrier in the middle and entrance can be flipped at the same time. according to your actual situation, you can choose to install it on the left or right, which is convenient for you and your cat
  • spacious interior space: the dimensions of the enclosed cat litter box are 31.5"L x 19.7"W X 19.7"h. the entrance is designed with double doors to fit most cats and cat litter boxes. it allows your pet to have free movement space, and also protects the cat's territory from being violated to protects the cat's privacy space
  • multifunctional cat house: its not only a warm and comfortable home for cats, but also your bedside table and shelf! the top has barriers all around to keep your stuff from falling. you can place books, окуляри, лампи, Поводні рослини, water cups, тощо. as you like, to bring your pets closer to you
  • good ventilation effect: the enclosed space can greatly reduce odor and improve the comfort of the room. in addition to the design of double doors, cat house has a cute cat head-shaped entrance on the side to maintain good ventilation, which allows your cat to breathe fresh air freely
  • легко зібрати: our package comes with a detailed installation manual to guide you in diy, and let you away from the trouble of assembly! create a beautiful and cozy home for your beloved cat with your own hands

cat litter box enclosure, cat box cabinet storage bench


multifunctional cat house:?its not only a warm and comfortable home for cats, but also your bedside table and shelf! you can place books, окуляри, лампи, Поводні рослини, water cups, тощо. as you like, to bring your pets closer to you.

cat litter box enclosure furniture


  • забарвлення: сільський коричневий
  • матеріал: Інженерна деревина, метал
  • Розмір товару: 31.5"L x 19.7"W X 19.7"h (80 x 50 x 50 см)
  • упаковка вага: 33.1 фунт (15 кг)

Оптовий запит для CWHR8001V CW80

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