- concealed flip drawers: this shoe bench features 2 saklayabilecek çevirmeli çekmeceler 8 farklı boyutlarda bir çift ayakkabı. each internal shelf can be adjusted or directly removed to accommodate boots, terlik, high heels and more
- novel look: the black shoe bench with gold legs and stripe handles is sleek and elegant to blend seamlessly into various home styles, giriş yolunuza moda bir dokunuş katmak, oturma odası, or closet and enhancing the overall aesthetic of the space
- highly adaptable: büyüklüğünde 39.4"l x 11.8"W x 18.9"H, Bu kompakt ayakkabı düzenleyici giriş yolunuz gibi çeşitli yerlerde olabilir, koridor, oturma odası, bedroom and more. its small footprint offers convenient storage solutions wherever you need it
- robust construction: kaliteli partikül ve metalden yapılmış, this hallway bench is reliable with a weight capacity of up to 300 lb for the top to tidy your shoes. 4 adjustable feet ensure the bench's balance on uneven floors without leaving scratches
- Kurulumu ve temizlenmesi kolay: you will receive labeled parts, kullanışlı aletler, and clear instructions to make assembly effortless. the cleaning is also hassle-free. simply wipe the surface clean with a cloth to maintain its like-new appearance