
Veľkoobchodný 5-stupňový 20 Pár otáčajúci stojan na topánky Vstupné chodby chodba chodby chodba biela

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drevotriesková doska







SKU: WT05SC01 Kategória:


  • 360° rotation, ľahký prístup: the rotation system combines optimal storage capacity with smooth rotation. each level offers 4 priestranné priehradky na uloženie topánok a tašiek, maximalizácia efektivity priestoru. with a simple spin, your shoes and bags are within reach
  • space-saving shoe rack: meranie 23.6"l x 23.6"w x 30"h, 5-poschodová otočná skrinka na topánky s pôdorysom má vertikálny dizajn, ktorý optimalizuje kompaktné priestory, ako sú šatne, rohy, a ďalšie skladovacie priestory. it is ideal for storing up to 20 párov topánok
  • versatile shoe organizer: this white rotating shoe cabinet not only organizes shoes neatly, ale poslúži aj ako viacúčelová odkladacia alebo výstavná polica pre širokú škálu denných predmetov, including cds, fotoalbumy, rastliny, uteráky, malé domáce spotrebiče, a ďalšie
  • reliable construction: crafted with premium particleboard, the spinning shoe rack organizer is sturdy for long-term use. the vertical, nested structure with 2 thickened panels per layer and a solid base provides excellent stability, podpora až do 20 párov topánok
  • easy assembly and cleaning: with a simple structure, orderly labeled parts, handy tools, and illustrated instructions, you can have a delicate rotating shoe cabinet in minutes. if there is dust on the panel, simply wipe it with a cloth to restore its original cleanliness

are you tired of searching for a pair of shoes in a cluttered room? this rotating shoe rack is an elegant solution for quick and effortless access. s dostatkom úložného priestoru, shoes can be placed in their proper location and are easily visible. it is not just a shoe cabinet, but also a beautiful addition to any room.

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