Wholesale Cat Tree Cat Tower with Soft Plush Perch for Indoor Cats Pet, 34.6 Palce, 2-Nábytok do bytového domu pre mačky so škrabadlom pre malé priestory Relaxačné aktivity, Anti-Tipping and Sturdy

Hmotnosť8.2 kg
Rozmery43 × 33 × 20 cm

Drevotrieska + Plyšové látky + Sisal

Veľkosť produktu

40x30x97 cm



SKU: GY06SCT03 Kategória:


  • Lazy Afternoon in a Fluffy Condo:Vhodné pre mačiatka do hmotnosti 9 lb, Plyšová loptička na vrchu pridáva zábavu do hry s mačiatkami, poskytuje pohodlný a funkčný domov pre mačiatka. Spodná okrúhla skákacia plošina pre mačky je v hornej časti zabalená do vankúša. Pri montáži ho vyberte z vnútornej strany vankúša. Luxusný a stabilný byt s klenutými dverami a mäkkými a pohodlnými hornými bidlami poskytuje mačiatkam priestor na zdriemnutie, aby mohli stráviť lenivé popoludnie..
  • Skákacia plošina: Celková veľkosť je 15.7"L x 11.8"Š x 34.6"H. S robustnou skákacou doskou, ktorá im poskytuje pokojné miesto na odpočinok, the cat tower is more suitable for kittens and medium-sized cats that they can easily jump around, explore and sniff in their new home
  • Spoľahlivosť: This cat tree tower with anti-tipping device, is made of high-quality P2 grade particleboard, which is strong and durable. Its cat scratching board can be used as ramp and to scratch the kitten claws to protect sofas, nábytok, curtains, atď. from scratching at home. The connection design of the inclined cat scratching ladder and the ground makes the overall structure of the cat tower more stable
  • Cat's Paradise: The cat tree is a place where cats can enjoy himself, such as exercise, rest and play. The double cat scratching column is covered with sisal rope, which is tightly wound and not easy to loose, and is used to sharpen the claws to release the cat's nature. The included anti-tipping device is always keeping your baby kitten in a safe environment
  • Jednoduchá montáž: Including hardware, tools and manuals. Assembly will be a breeze. The cat activity tree takes up little space, which is a nice choice for some small apartments. Not only can it bring fun to the cat, but it can also decorates the home environment


HOOBRO is dedicated to creating beautiful, functional and funny products for your pets.

If your cat sees this product for the first time, she couldn??t wait to let you assemble it. You bring her dream home and cozy entertainment castle. ??Mňau, meow, meow?? is the best way for her to thank you. Odvtedy, it saves your furniture.

Cat Tree Specifications:

  • Farba: Dymový šedý
  • Materiál: Umelé drevo, Plyšová látka, Sisal
  • Veľkosť: 15.7"L x 11.8"Š x 34.6"H (40 x 30 x 97 cm)
  • Hmotnosť: 18 lb (8.2 kg)

Spodná okrúhla skákacia plošina pre mačky je v hornej časti zabalená do vankúša. Pri montáži ho vyberte z vnútornej strany vankúša.

Špeciálne navrhnuté pre mačiatka s hmotnosťou do 9 lb (4 kg)"??

  1. Please keep the cat tree tower away from sharp, špicaté predmety a korozívne chemikálie.
  2. If cat chews or eats this plush ball, remove the ball and keep it out of the cat's reach.




Multi-Level Cat Tree

Your cat will love its touch and function as this cat tree is covered with premium and beautiful plush and has many cozy platforms. Give it a private playground for it to play happily, rest comfortably, and release the instinct of the pet itself.


The anti-tipping device allows the cat to jump around freely, it will be the best thing you can give to your baby kitten.

Natural Sisal

The cat scratching posts are tightly wrapped by natural sisal, which is not easy to loosen and is more resistant to scratching. Durable hemp can be used for a long time to protect your furniture from scratches.





Cat Scratching Board

The cat scratching board allows cats to sharpen their claws and protects your furniture from damage.

Luxury Condo

Large and Luxury cat Condo, suitable for a variety of cats. The cat can easily jump into the cat hole and start the afternoon nap time.

Soft Fluff Platform

The soft plush platform gives your cat an extremely comfortable experience, which allows your cat to gaze out the scenery outside the window or take a nap.

Swinging Bell Ball

If you don't have time to play with your cats, the bell ball can attract the their attention. Bring more fun to your cats and help them go through the boring time.


Wider Size and More Space designed for most cats

Your cat will love its touch and function as this cat tree is covered with premium and beautiful plush and has many cozy platforms. Give it a private playground for it to play happily, rest comfortably, and release the instinct of the pet itself.

  • Soft Plush Covering
  • Anti-tipping device is more stable
  • Platforms and condo provide steady spaces for your cat to climb up and down freely
  • Cat scratching board unleashes the nature of cats

Cats romp and have fun on this warm and cozy cat-climbing tree.

HOOBRO Poznámky:

  • Please keep the cat tree tower away from sharp, špicaté predmety a korozívne chemikálie.
  • If cat chews or eats this plush ball, remove the ball and keep it out of the cat's reach.

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Súvisiace produkty

HOOBRO Mačací strom pre vnútorné mačky, 65.4 Palec vysoký mačací strom, Veľká mačacia veža pre dospelé mačky, Viacúrovňový byt pre mačky so škrabadlami pre mačky, 2 Široké bidlá, 2 Domy na stromoch pre mačky, Svetlošedý

Viacúrovňová mačka: The 65.4 cm vysoký mačací strom je dômyselne navrhnutý s viacerými poschodiami, poskytuje ideálny priestor na lezenie a racionálne skokové cesty. Unleash the cat's instincts and let them enjoy unlimited fun exploring and climbing Cozy Cat Apartment: Mačací strom pre domáce mačky obsahuje závesnú hojdaciu sieť, 2 útulné byty, ktoré poskytujú mačkám súkromné ​​a pokojné miesta na odpočinok. Two soft cat platforms with sponge pads offer an ideal vantage point for cats to observe their surroundings Fun-Filled Paradise: Veľká veža na strome pre mačky má dosku sisal a sisal stĺpiky, Poskytovanie pohodlného miesta pre mačky na poškriabanie a natiahnutie. Dve visiace gule a jarná guľa sa stávajú radostnými hračkami pre mačky, ktoré lovia, uvoľnenie ich každodennej energie

Mačací strom pre izbové mačky, Kaktusová mačacia veža pre mačiatka pod 8 LB, Malý domček na strome pre mačky so škrabadlom pre mačky, Byt pre plyšovú mačku s ostriežom, visiace zvonové gule, Hnedá zem

Charming Appearance: Tento malý mačací strom má veľmi atraktívny dizajn. Hravý a roztomilý stĺp v tvare kaktusu na pravej strane, šikovne kombinuje zelenú a zemitú hnedú farbu, vytvára silný vizuálny dojem, s bielym akcentom, ktorý dodáva nádych sviežosti Ideálne pre malé priestory: Táto mačacia veža pre domáce mačky meria 15" v dĺžke, 11.4" v šírke a 23.6" vo výške, Vďaka tomu je vhodný na umiestnenie v akejkoľvek miestnosti alebo rohu bez toho, aby zaberal veľa miesta. Vytvára útulný prístrešok pre vášho milovaného miláčika Multifunkčný byt pre mačky: This cactus cat house combines scratching, resting and playing functions in one. The two hanging balls and sisal scratching post help your furry friend release energy, while the plush perch and cat condo provide a comfortable restin

Mačací strom pre izbové mačky, Drevená veža, Moderné mačky pre vnútorné mačky, Domy mačacích stromov s poškriabaním mačiek a hojdacej hojdacej sieti mačky, Umyteľný odnímateľný vankúš, grécky

Luxury Apart: This modern cat tower for indoor cats has a double-hole cat nest, a lovely round hammock and a plush platform on the top. It fits for cats within 10 lb and the design of multiple resting zones within the limited space solves the worries of multi-cat families Cats' Dream Paradise: Celková veľkosť je 23.6"L x 11.8"Š x 41.3"H. The wooden cat tree fits the cat's keen climbing habit, with posts to sharpen their claws. Rubbing post in right height conforms to cats' habit of standing and scratching. The teasing sticks containing the catnip make them love deeply Solid and Stable: Vyrobené z kvalitnej drevotrieskovej dosky, the modern cat condo is durable. Hladký povrch sa dá ľahko utrieť mierne navlhčenou handričkou, keeping your cat tree fresh and tidy. The c

HOOBRO mačací strom, 58.3 Inches Cat Tower pre vnútorné mačky, Drevený domček pre mačky s 2 Hojdacie siete pre mačky, Moderný mačací byt s mačacími škrabadlami, Upútavky pre mačky, Mäkké bidlá, Rustikálna hnedá

Cat Entertainment Kingdom: Veľkosť pri 18.9"L x 18.9"Š x 58.3"H. The stepped multi-tier cat tower design satisfies the cat's natural love of climbing. The sisal posts of this cat tree for indoor cat help sharpen cats' claws and protect furniture from damages. Tyčinky a brmbolce pre mačky umožňujú mačkám zabávať sa doma Zóna Deluxe Lounge: Tento drevený domček na strome pre mačky je ideálny pre rodiny s viacerými mačkami, pretože má dvojotvorový dom pre mačky, roztomilé hojdacie siete pre mačky a nadýchané mäkké bidielka. Tento moderný mačací strom je vhodný pre mačky až 15 libier, aby ste si užili čas na relaxáciu. Hladký povrch sa dá ľahko utrieť mierne navlhčenou handričkou, keeping your cat tree fresh and tidy Home Decoration: The modern cat tower is covered with skin-friendly plush, with soft texture, noble and ele

Mačacia veža, Roztomilý mačací strom pre mačiatka 8 LB, Domček pre mačky so škrabadlom pre mačky, Byt pre malé mačky pre vnútorné mačky, Plyšový top ostriež, Visiaca lopta, Jarná zelená a tmavo zelená

Enrichment for a Happy Feline: Veľkosť pri 18.1"L x 15.3"Š x 31.3"H. Nemá vaša hravá mačička miesta na lezenie?, skok, play and scratch to their heart's content? Tento roztomilý mačací strom so stupňovitými plošinami, vrchný ostriež, loptička a škrabadlá umožňujú vašej mačke voľne šantiť Zdravý spánok v sladkej spokojnosti: This cat tree for indoor cats adopts an arched door for the cat house and the skin-friendly plush for the nest floor. The top perch with the fluffy and soft touch enables kittens to enjoy a comfortable sleeping

Mačací strom, Mačka veža pre vnútorné mačky, Drevená mačka dom s poškriabaním mačiek, Cat Condo, Hojdacia sieť pre mačky, Top ostriež, Umyteľný odnímateľný vankúš, Mačací groomer, Rustikálna hnedá

Luxury Apart: This modern cat tree has a double-hole cat nest, a lovely round hammock and a plush platform on the top. It fits for cats within 10 lb and your cat can perch on the top resting spot to observe birds or enjoy the view outside the window, take a nap in the cave, and play on the baseboard Cats' Dream Paradise: Celková veľkosť je 23.6"L x 11.8"Š x 41.3"H. The cat tower for indoor cats fits the cat's keen climbing habit, with posts to sharpen their claws. Rubbing post in right height conforms to cats' habit of standing and scratching. The teasing sticks containing the catnip make them love deeply Solid and Stable: Vyrobené z kvalitnej drevotrieskovej dosky, the wooden cat house is durable. The cat scratching posts wrapped with sisal ropes are wear-resistant without c