Veľkoobchodná špajza s nabíjacou stanicou, Kuchynská komora s LED svetlom a odkladacími policami, Kuchynská špajza s akrylovými dvierkami zásuvky do kuchyne, Jedáleň, Čierna a zlatá
Veľkosť produktu | 60x 30 x 110 cm |
Materiál | drevotriesková doska,MDF, Železo, Akryl, Zásuvka, Svetelný pás, Batéria |
Farba | Čierna + Zlato |
Zásuvka nabíjačky | Americká zástrčka |
Svetelný pás | áno |
- enhanced magnetic closure: the pantry cabinet boasts an upgraded magnetic door lock providing a stronger hold compared to the old model. no more concerns about the door opening accidentally due to an overloaded cabinet
- perfect for bottled and canned food: the kitchen pantry cabinet has 8 skladovacie regály na zadnej strane 2 dvierka skriniek určené na nápoje, plechovky, a iné veci vo fľašiach. arrange them neatly to avoid clutter and keep your home tidy while enjoying delicious food
- feature-rich for various needs: this storage cabinet comes with a multi-port socket for charging multiple e-devices. the 16-color led strip with transparent acrylic drawer door creates unique lighting effects for you to enjoy a cozy home atmosphere
- simple cleaning, Ľahko montáž: the pantry cabinet in the smooth finish is supported by metal legs with the right spacing from the ground to ease daily cleaning and maintenance. don’t worry about installation issues, Naša kuchynská skrinka je dodávaná s príslušenstvom a jasnými pokynmi.
- stability assurance: the kitchen pantry comes with an anti-tip kit to prevent it from accidentally tipping over, čím chráni predmety vo vnútri pred poškodením alebo rozliatím, čo vám umožní používať ho s dôverou
- convenient storage, easy home organization: the storage cabinet has a top and a drawer with a flip-down door for quickly storing snacks, chlieb, alebo iné denné potreby. it's easy to store and retrieve items, Zlepšenie efektívnosti domácej organizácie
43.3'' tall kitchen storage pantry cabinet
- ample storage design, vrátane zásuvky, 8 bočné stojany, a 3 veľké úložné police. you can use this cabinet as a kitchen utensil cabinet, bufetová skrinka, domáca skrinka, alebo kaviareň.
- a built-in socket with 2 predajných miest, 2 USB porty, a 1 type c port provides enough capacity to charge your laptop, telefón, a ďalšie zariadenia. there is no need to search for usb charging cables and outlets every time, úspora času a úsilia.
Veľkoobchodné vyšetrovanie pre DB22UDPC01