
Veľkoobchodný veľký skrytý podstielka, Cat Tree with 30.7Long Litter Box Enclosure, Moderná mačacia veža, Byty pre mačky so škrabadlami, Rubbing Post, Hojdacia sieť a upútavky, grécky

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Papierová trubica, drevotriesková doska, MDF,Plyšová handrička, Sisal lano, Oceľový prsteň

SKU: BG28MZ03G1 Kategória:


  • Hidden Cat Litter House: Priestranná skrytá podstielka poskytuje vašej mačke pohodlný súkromný priestor a účinne znižuje zápach. An anti-leak litter tray on the right side is added to prevent cat litter from spilling and keep your home clean
  • Deluxe Lounge: Mačací strom s krytom na odpadky je dodávaný s útulným domčekom pre mačky, závesný košík, plyšová hojdacia sieť a 2 mačacie platformy s mäkkými špongiovými podložkami. All the luxuries of a cat condo come together to create the ultimate cat resting area
  • More Fun: Mačacia veža má trecí stĺpik, závesné gule, and different-height scratching posts to fully satisfy cats' scratching, climbing and claw sharpening. The 3 detachable teaser sticks are perfect for interaction between you and your cat
  • Safe and Sturdy: The cat tree with litter box enclosure is made of sturdy particleboard, firm and durable. The sisal scratching post is durable and hard to fall off. The anti-tip kit and non-slip nails strengthen the tower and enable cats to jump and feel carefree
  • Building a Dreampark for Your Cat: We will provide you with clear and detailed assembly instructions, numbered accessories and the necessary tools. You build a home for your cat and it brings your cat endless warmth and companionship!
mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky

Cat Condo, Home for Most Cats

Why Choose Deluxe Litter Box Enclosure with Cat Tree?

  • Cleverly connecting the bottom litter box with the cat house and lookout tower, the cat tree's varying heights of sisal scratching posts create a multi-level space, resembling a magical castle for cats.
  • The soft plush cushion, hanging hammocks, and added small cat house provide spacious and comfortable resting places, allowing cats to indulge in luxury.


mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky
mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky

Soft Hammocks

Two soft hammocks cater to the diverse resting needs of cats, allowing them to relax in comfort.

mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky

Multiple Spaces

A play and lounge area designed specifically for cats.

mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky

Convenient Side Entrance

The arched entrance door design allows cats to move in and out of it freely.

mačací strom s výbehom na odpadky

Hidden Litter Box

The spacious hidden space can house the litter box, helping to reduce odors.


MateriálDrevotrieska, Sisal lano, Kovové, Plyšový
Veľkosť produktu30.7" L x 18.9" Š x 50.4" H
Hmotnosť produktu53.3 lb
Obsah balenia1 X CAT TREE s krytom podstielky; 1 x Súprava príslušenstva; 1 x Súprava proti prevráteniu; 1 x Pokyny

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