
Veľkoobchodná úložná lavica pre spálňu, Drevená kovová vstupná lavica do obývacej izby s jedálňou na chodbe, Stojan na topánky na farme Vnútorná lavica na sedenie so zvýraznením pre vstup do vstupnej haly, Rustikálna hnedá a čierna

Veľkosť produktu



drevotriesková doska, Železo

SKU: BF07CD01 Kategória:


  • Reasonable Size: Celkové rozmery tejto vstupnej lavice sú 47,2''D x 11,8''Š x 17,5''V, ktorý sa dá ľahko ubytovať 2 ľudí. The height of the entryway bench is suitable for most people to relax their tired body and release fatigue after a busy day
  • Multifunctional Bench: Viac ako len drevená lavica na topánky, je všestranný do akéhokoľvek priestoru. Použite túto vstupnú lavicu ako lavicu do jedálne, ďalšie miesto na chodbe, lavica na prezúvanie topánok pri vchode pre pohodlné prezúvanie, or storage bench to store pyjamas and blankets
  • Robustná konštrukcia: Made of high-grade particleboard sitting on trapezoidal metal legs, the entryway bench excels at stability and sturdiness. Its reinforced I-shaped frame and bottom crossbar boost shoe changing bench's stability and bearing capacity to 300 lb
  • Jedinečný dizajn: The rustic wooden storage bench top emits an old-fashioned and classic charm, adding a touch of artistry to your home decor. Paired with a matte black frame, the entryway bench presents a uniquely modern industrial style that can easily blend into any furniture styles
  • Jednoduchá inštalácia: S očíslovanými dielmi, ľahko pochopiteľné pokyny, and corresponding assembly benches, assembly of the dining room bench is effortless, and it won’t take long to enjoy the vintage storage bench
Dining bench

Versatile Dining Bench-Sturdiest Seating in comfort!

Úspora miesta: Push them under the dining table, and easily pull them out while eating for a tidy and orderly home space, especially ideal for families with limited space.

Diverzifikované úlohy: It can fulfil its role perfectly as a dining bench in the kitchen or restaurant, or even as a shoe-changing stool in the hallway.

It is the ideal choice for sharing happy moments with friends and family!

Dining bench

Trapezoidal Leg and Cross Bar

Sitting on trapezoidal legs, the dining table stands more stable with reinforced bottom crossbar for enhanced support.

Dining bench

Stable Panel

Made of high-quality particleboard with vintage flavor and decorative appeal.


FarbaRustikálna hnedá, Čierna
MateriálDrevotrieska, Kovové
Veľkosť produktu47.2’’L x 11.8’’W x 17.7’’H
Hmotnosť produktu15.7 lb
Max. Kapacita statického zaťaženia300 lb

Veľkoobchodné vyšetrovanie pre BF07CD01

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