
Wholesale Cat Litter Box with Door, 19.7 x 19.7 x 26 Palce, Hidden Litter Box Furniture Cabinet with 6 Pohyblivé háčiky, Single Door Pet Box with Cat Head Hole, Koniec tabuľky, Rustikálna hnedá a čierna

Hmotnosť14 kg
Rozmery61 × 55 × 12.5 cm

drevotriesková doska, Železo

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SKU: BF05MW01 Kategória:


  • Unique Design:Provide a perfect home for cat? This stylish cat litter tray is a great choice, with a cute cat head as an entrance that invites cats to come and walk freely. The ornate panels in vintage colours are complemented by a sturdy metal frame. A work of art that your family and friends will admire
  • Suitable for cats of all figures: the cat litter box is 50 x 50 x 66 cm, the largest applicable medium cat litter box: 40 x 30 x 10 cm, which is sufficient for most cat litter trays and offers a large habitat for cats. The 6 hooks left and right can be used to hang towels, litter scoops and cat toys. There is plenty of space at the top for magazines, poháre, potted plants etc
  • A comfortable home for your cat: the cat litter tray is surrounded by chipboard to protect the privacy cat, and the design with just one door makes cleaning the side table of the cat litter tray less tedious. The cat house has a large door for good air circulation and provides an odourless, clean and hygienic home for cats
  • Multifunctional cat cabinet: max. statická nosnosť 70 kg, the cat house can hold krabica na podstielku or pet bed, but this stylish cat cave can also be used as a bedside table, side table or living room table to combine with the rest of your furniture. The hidden cat cabinet allows cat to maintain their privacy and keep order while allowing easy storage
  • EASY INSTALLATION - We know you want to spend more time with your family members and friends. We have taken this into account for you, so that all cat houses are made easier



Want to conceal an ugly litter box in the room? Takes up too much space when a litter box just sits out? Multifunctional cat house is a nice disguise that changes life and does wonders for your home! Rustic brown appearance and modern design add more personality to the room. Most importantly, it perfectly matches our other furniture in the room.

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Súvisiace produkty

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Gift for Cats: Už vás nebaví upratovať mačací neporiadok? Stále váhajte nad tým správnym darčekom pre vášho spoločníka? Tento štýlový polouzavretý domček pre mačky poskytuje privát, čistý a pohodlný domov pre mačky Vhodné pre väčšinu podstielky pre mačky: Vonkajšia veľkosť v 19.7"L x 19.7"Š x 19.7"H, Interiér Veľkosť v 17.9"L x 18.5"Š x 17.1"H. S priestranným priestorom, aj pre tučnú oranžovú mačku, nábytok podstielky pre mačky je dostatočne veľký. Maximálna statická nosnosť, až do 176 lb Pevná štruktúra: Vnútorná prepravka pre mačky je vyrobená z 15 mm vysokokvalitnej drevotrieskovej dosky; it can be used as a side table or nightstand, placing lamp, knihy, potted plants to create a warm family atmosphere Humanized and Hygienic House: With a decora

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A Gift for Intimate "Mňau": Mačka k vám vždy pribehne, keď prídete po práci domov. Život sa stáva zmysluplnejším, keď sa vedľa vás stočí mačka, pozeranie TV a jedenie. Štýlový a atmosférický vzhľad toalety pre mačky nebude v rozpore so žiadnou výzdobou interiéru Nielen domáci nočný stolík pre mačky: Sized in 80x50.5x64cm / 31.5'' L x 20.2'' W x 21.3'' H, domček pre mačky je dostatočne veľký na väčšinu odpadkových košov. What's more, dekoratívny nábytok na podstielku pre mačky možno použiť ako konferenčný stolík, príručný stolík a maximálna nosnosť až 220 lb Aj pre Fat Orange Cat: Internal dimensions of th

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A Gift for Intimate "Mňau": Mačka k vám vždy pribehne, keď prídete po práci domov. Život sa stáva zmysluplnejším, keď sa vedľa vás stočí mačka, pozeranie TV a jedenie. Štýlový a atmosférický vzhľad toalety pre mačky nebude v rozpore so žiadnou výzdobou interiéru Nielen domáci nočný stolík pre mačky: Sized in 80x50.5x54cm / 31.5'' L x 20.2'' W x 21.3'' H, domček pre mačky je dostatočne veľký na väčšinu odpadkových košov. What's more, dekoratívny nábytok na podstielku pre mačky možno použiť ako konferenčný stolík, side table and maximum load capac

Hidden Cat House Furniture with Entrance, Multifunctional Litter Box Enclosure with Cat Head Opening, Indoor Cat Litter Storage Cabinet, Wooden & Thickened Non-Woven Fabric Top, Pevný

2 Options for The Top: We offer you top cover in two different materials of the litter box enclosure: hard particleboard and soft but thickened non-woven surface. The non-woven fabric is soft and breathable, and the cat can sleep on it comfortably. The two sides of the soft cover are fixed with solid wood strips to ensure that they will not sag Right to Privacy: Cats are inherently hyper-vigilant, which is why this litter box furniture gives your cat the space to hide and poop at ease. The unique look and retro elements fit into any style without destroying existing decor elements in your home. It would be amazing to put the cat washroom in the living room or bedroom Cute Cat Paw Air Vents: There are two cat paw-shaped ventilation holes on both sides

Ohrada na odpadkový box, Wooden Side End Table, Cat Litter Box Furniture Hidden with Entrance, Concealed Cat Washroom with Cat Head Opening, Indoor Pet House, Fit Most Cats and Litter Box

Cozy and Private Space: This Litter Box Furniture Create a private resting area for you cat! Cats are vigilant and sensitive by nature. It matters for them to have their own private area. This pet house is perfect as a thoughtful gift. For cats, it is both a hidden cat toilet and a cozy cat house for sleeping Cute Cat Hole: The single door is specially designed for easy access to the cat litter box, ensuring that the cat litter is not easily spilled everywhere, giving you a fresh and tidy home. The lovely cat head opening on the front and cat paw vents on both sides ensure better air circulation without odor Classic Yet Stylish Look: The elegant rustic brown look of the cat litter house matches any decor in your home. It is more than just a cat litter box, it is also a nightstand or a side table. Why not put your magazine or a bouq