
Veľkoobchod voľne stojaci stojan na uteráky pre kúpeľňu, 39.4″ h, 3 stupňa šliapala prikrývku s policami, Nadmerné uteráky v kúpeľní sušiaci a zobrazovací stojan, čierna a rustikálna hnedá


drevotriesková doska, Železo

Veľkosť produktu

68x 30 x 100 cm

SKU: BF05LB01 Kategória:


  • applicable to different towels: to enhance the applicability of the towel rack, navrhli sme 3 vodorovné tyče s výškami 31.5", 35.4" a 39.4" zo zeme. it can easily meet your needs of hanging large bath towels or standard towels
  • efficient space use: the blanket rack sizes 16.9"l x 11.8"w x 39.4"h with powerful storage functions. besides 3-stepped towel bars, 2 otvorené police pod nimi, ktoré je možné zameniť, sú vyhradené na uloženie toaletných potrieb, dry towels and clothing etc
  • stable and secure: this firm towel rack uses metal tubes with a diameter of 20mm for its bars and frame and 15mm thick panel as the open shelf. four non-slip adjustable feet easily adapt to all kinds of uneven ground without leaving scratches
  • fast circulation and easy drying: do towels and clothing become moldy and difficult to dry in cloudy and rainy weather? the stepped bars of the quilt rack are spaced 4.7" Okrem udržiavania ventilácie, zrýchliť sušenie a chrániť uteráky pred pachom
  • assembly is simple: the parts are clearly labeled. with the help of comprehensible illustrations and matching assembly tools, Celý proces môžete rýchlo dokončiť. you can use it immediately to dry clothes and enjoy a convenient life

freestanding towel rack


designed specifically for nadrozmerné kúpeľne, stojan na uteráky ich udržuje v čistote a mimo podlahy.


3 tier stepped blanket rack, 39.4" h freestanding blanket rack

equipped with non-slip pads a a weighted base, freestanding towel rack stands stably on indoor bathroom floors. it can also be adjusted to stay stable on uneven ground, making it perfect for vonkajšie use.

freestanding towel rackšpecifikácie:

farba:rustikálny hnedý, čierna
materiál:tónový doska, kov
veľkosť:16.9"l x 11.8"w x 39.4"h
obsah balíka:1 x freestandind towel rack; 1 X Súprava na príslušenstvo; 1 x pokyny;

Veľkoobchodné vyšetrovanie pre BF05LB01

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