wine rack table

Neboli nájdené žiadne produkty zodpovedajúce vášmu výberu.

dodávateľ stolov vín, výrobcu, továreň z Číny

Ponúkame výrobky stolov v víne, Podporte veľkoobchod s distribútorom. Sme dodávateľ stolov v víne, výrobcu, továreň. Môžeme tiež OEM vlastný stolík na stojane na víno s vlastnou značkou spoločnosti alebo produktom.

Wine Bar Cabinet with LED Light and Power Outlets, Wine Rack Table for Drinks and Glasses, Coffee Bar Cabinet with Wine Rack, pre kuchyňu, Jedáleň, Rustikálna hnedá a čierna

Cool LED Light Strip: The wine rack table has a RGB-enabled LED light strip including 20 static colors, 21 dynamické režimy, 8 light flashing frequencies and 8 úrovne jasu, so as to match the atmosphere you want to create for the family bar space Bar Table with Socket: This bar cabinet has a power board (can be installed on the left or right side) s 2 predajne a 2 USB ports to charge your music devices. Enjoy the wine and appreciate the music simultaneously, how wonderful it is! Infinite Versatility: Not only is it a necessary bar table for wine enthusiasts to freely mix cocktails, but also a wine cabinet, coffee bar, foyer table, buffet table or TV cabinet in the living room, jedáleň, kitchen etc., tidying your space

Wine Bar Cabinet with LED Light and Power Outlets, Wine Rack Table for Drinks and Glasses, Coffee Bar Cabinet with Wine Rack, pre kuchyňu, Jedáleň, Greige a čierna

Cool LED Light Strip: The wine rack table has a RGB-enabled LED light strip including 20 static colors, 21 dynamické režimy, 8 light flashing frequencies and 8 úrovne jasu, so as to match the atmosphere you want to create for the family bar space Bar Table with Socket: This bar cabinet has a power board (can be installed on the left or right side) s 2 predajne a 2 USB ports to charge your music devices. Enjoy the wine and appreciate the music simultaneously, how wonderful it is! Infinite Versatility: Not only is it a necessary bar table for wine enthusiasts to freely mix cocktails, but also a wine cabinet, coffee bar, foyer table, buffet table or TV cabinet in the living room, jedáleň, kitchen etc., tidying your space

Vínny stojan, 16-Fľašový stojan na víno voľne stojacej podlahy, Stojan na skladovanie vína s netkanou látkou a háčikmi, Stolík na víno, Barová skrinka pre kuchyňu, Jedáleň, Bar, Rustikálna hnedá a čierna

Rôznorodé úložisko: With a 4-tier wine bottle rack, 2 rady držiakov skla, 2 wooden shelves, a non-woven drawer and 6 S-shaped movable hooks on both sides, this wine rack is a reliable storage space for all wine-related items Versatile for Various Scenes: This multi-functional wine rack can be used in various settings such as kitchens, dining rooms, obývačky, home bars, food storage rooms, or wine cellars, providing efficient storage to meet your different needs Sturdy and Durable: This HOOBRO wine rack is a stable storage solution. High-quality panels and a thickened metal frame ensure its stability and durability. Four adjustable feet and an anti-tip kit provide extra safety Classic Industria

Vínny stojan, 16-Fľašový stojan na víno voľne stojacej podlahy, Stojan na skladovanie vína s netkanou látkou a háčikmi, Stolík na víno, Barová skrinka pre kuchyňu, Jedáleň, Bar, Čierna

Rôznorodé úložisko: With a 4-tier wine bottle rack, 2 rady držiakov skla, 2 wooden shelves, a non-woven drawer and 6 S-shaped movable hooks on both sides, this wine rack is a reliable storage space for all wine-related items Versatile for Various Scenes: This multi-functional wine rack can be used in various settings such as kitchens, dining rooms, obývačky, home bars, food storage rooms, or wine cellars, providing efficient storage to meet your different needs Sturdy and Durable: This HOOBRO wine rack is a stable storage solution. High-quality panels and a thickened metal frame ensure its stability and durability. Four adjustable feet and an anti-tip kit provide extra safety Elegant and Luxur

Vinárne skrinky s úložným priestorom, LED skrinka na nápoje so zásuvkami, Kaviarenská skrinka na likér a poháre, Sklenené dvierka skriniek, pre Bar, Jedáleň, Kuchyňa, Čierna

Large Capacity Wine Cabinet: Táto vinotéka má 3 rady držiakov na poháre pre 6 okuliare, otvorená priehradka na náradie, a priestranná uzavretá skrinka s nastaviteľnou sklenenou policou na barové nevyhnutnosti, zabezpečiť, aby bolo všetko v poriadku Diaľkovo ovládané LED osvetlenie: Barová skrinka využíva 16-farebný LED svetelný pás s rôznymi režimami na výber. Pomocou diaľkového ovládača ľahko vytvoríte požadovanú atmosféru, mäkké a jemné alebo živé a chladné, farbenie skrine a vášho domova Pohodlné nabíjanie: Stolík na víno má zásuvku s 2 predajných miest, 2 USB porty, a 1 Port typu C, allowing you to easily power your coffee maker, osvetlenie skrinky, and phone with no need to search for extra outlets, saving time and labor