- Прочный и долговечный: эти садовые ворота изготовлены из высококачественной оцинкованной стали., прочный и стабильный, и порошковое покрытие. Он устойчив к ржавчине и коррозии. Its service life is long
- The perfect size is missing a fence at the entrance of your garden? Тогда эти садовые ворота помогут решить эту проблему.. С размером 105 Икс 100 см, it is the ideal partner for your garden fence
- Locking system: this gate has a lock, 3 keys and PP plastic handles that ensure quick and easy installation. Ручки обеспечивают хороший захват и позволяют легко открывать и закрывать дверь.
- Универсальный - This garden gate fits all fences to separate public and private areas. Strong locks prevent door opening unintentionally
- Простота установки: у этих садовых ворот есть 2 столбы и петли, установка выполняется в несколько шагов. Благодаря прочным материалам, it protects your garden well
This high quality garden gate easily separates public and private areas, it is easy to install. It will beautify your garden. This green garden gate will harmonize well with your garden, патио, terrace. Thanks to the 2 poles with hinges, it is easy to install. 3 keys come with Anti-rust and anti-corrosion, this gate can be used outdoors for a long time, making it a convenient barrier for your garden. Функции: -Цвет: Green -Material: galvanized steel pipes + PP handle + iron keys + aluminium lock -Installed dimensions: 105 Икс 6 Икс 150 см (Д х Ш х В) -Casement (100 Икс 87 см): Tube ø 40 мм, wire ø 4 мм, mesh: 4 мм .969 Икс 50 mm -Pole: ø 60 мм, 2 м (высота) -Масса: 15.4 kg Delivery: -Упаковка 1: 2 x Plate for the leaf + 1 x Сумка с аксессуарами + 1 x Assembly instruction (ИЗ, фр., В) -Упаковка 2: 2 x Pole Precautions of : -Wrap your attention to install the pole with the lock on the right (direction of opening inside). -In order for the gate to be better resistant to weather, it is necessary to fix the legs of the posts in concrete. -Make sure the posts are vertical on the ground and the upper ends of the 2 posts are on the same level. -When installing the gate, carefully keep all the parts. -Installation by 2 adults is highly recommended. -The product comes in 2 separate boxes. Normally, тот 2 cartons arrive at the same time. However, it is possible that they are not delivered at the same time. Если так, do not worry and wait for the delivery of the 2nd.