- Прочный и долговечный: изготовлен из высококачественного ПВХ-материала для стабильности. Дополнительное усиление в середине каждой планки для устойчивости и прочности., PVC privacy screen for longer life and durability and wind resistance
- Aesthetic and versatile: PVC privacy screen can be used on balconies or garden fences as a windbreak or privacy screen. Or it can be used in the garden as a room divider. The privacy screen panels have natural colours and fit into the environment
- Easy to install and flexible: просто прикрепите прилагаемые кабельные стяжки к перилам или чему-либо подобному.. You can cut your privacy screen according to your needs. The strips are attached to the fence slats to prevent them from falling out
- Wind and UV resistant: the PVC material is not only weather and UV resistant, but also weather resistant, quick drying, устойчивый
- Ventilation, Хорошая защита конфиденциальности: the PVC protective mat has very small spaces for good air circulation and effectively blocks prying eyes, и т. д., better protect you and your family's life
The screen breaker is made of weather-resistant and UV resistant PVC, a material that can be easily cleaned and can be used outdoors all year round and is resistant to mildew.
This PVC screen is versatile. Whether you use it as a view-breaker for your terrace, как садовый забор или для разделения определенных областей вашего сада, такие как кустарники, овощные или цветники, пути, это даст вам безупречный, Чистый и равномерный вид. Your friends will be surprised at your choice.
For stability reasons, it is recommended to place the fence on a flat surface.
информация о продукте:
Цвет: коричневый
Choice of height: 80 cm/90 cm/100 cm.
Choice of length: 3 м, 4 м, 5 м.
GSM 1.4kg/㎡.
Slat approx. 14 Икс 4.3 мм.
Slat thickness: approx. 0.5 см.
Braided rope, spacing between the two: about 10 см.
Distance between tubes: 1-2 мм.
Includes fastening straps.
- Please make sure your fence is strong enough to withstand the strongest winds. The sight strips provide more wind attack surface.