Ilha da cozinha por atacado com armazenamento, Ilha de cozinha rolante com folha dobrável, Estação para carregar, Prateleira de especiarias, Gaveta, Ilha de cozinha móvel sobre rodas, para cozinha, Branco e natural

Tamanho do produto



Painel de partículas, MDF, Ferro, Soquete, Roda giratória

Soquete do carregador

Plugue dos EUA

SKU: WN95UZD01 Categoria:


  • Foldable Countertop: Esta ilha de cozinha oferece 2 formas de uso. Você pode expandir totalmente a bancada (95 x 70 cm) para colocar salgadinhos e frutas em confraternizações ou dobrar a bancada (95 x 40 cm) to save space during daily use
  • Socket within Reach: Cansado de fazer fila para tomadas ao usar eletrodomésticos? Esta ilha de cozinha com arrumação e 3 tomadas padrão permitem que você use simultaneamente o espremedor e a torradeira enquanto cozinha. Chega de procurar fontes de energia!
  • Armazenamento categorizado: As dimensões deste produto são: 95 x 40 x 86 cm. This rolling kitchen island on wheels has multiple spaces for kitchen supplies. The open compartments are for wine glasses and bottles, the drawer and cabinet for your utensils and small appliances and the side shelf and hooks for spices or cups
  • Easy Movement and Fixation: Four universal wheels that can rotate 360 degrees make this kitchen island cart easy to move in your home. Duas das rodas podem ser travadas, supporting you to keep this kitchen cart fixed, sufficing your various needs
  • High-Quality Materials: This large kitchen island is of high quality. The island table is made of carefully selected particleboard and metal, with clear and beautiful texture. The sturdy structure gives you a sense of heaviness and will withstand the test of time
ilha de cozinha

Kitchen Cart with Power Socket - Convenient Storage for a Blissful Life!

Multiple storage spaces provide different options for organizing your belongings. Feel free to arrange your wine, tall glasses, and utensils by category! Transport your kitchen appliances or delicious food with ease. The wheels at the bottom are so smooth that you don't need much effort to bring your tea set or cutlery to the dining table. Moving it around also won't cause much noise. No matter how much party supplies you have, they won't create a messy atmosphere!

ilha de cozinha


CorBranco, Natural
MaterialPainel de partículas, MDF, Metal
Tamanho do produto110 x 40 x 89.5 cm
Peso do produto35.4 kg
Máx.. Capacidade de carga estática136 kg
ilha de cozinha

Drawer with Handle

Gently pull the handle to store items that are prone to collecting dust.

ilha de cozinha

Wine Rack and Cup Holders

Grab your favorite wine anytime and make the most of every second of a happy gathering!

Inquérito por atacado para WN95UZD01

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