
Wholesale HOOBRO Cat Scratching Post for Indoor Cats, 28.3″ Wysokie drapak dla kota, Sizalowy drapak dla dużych kotów z ukrytymi kulkami, Wysoki drapak do mebli dla kota, Rustykalny brąz

Rozmiar produktu



Płyta wiórowa, Lina sizalowa, Tkaniny pluszowe

SKU: FG01CP03 Kategoria:


  • Scratching Tool: Drapak dla kota jest owinięty wytrzymałą liną sizalową zapewniającą trwałość. Daj swojemu kotu drapak do pazurów, a drapanie pomaga im zrzucić martwe warstwy z pazurów. And they'll let go of your furniture and reduce damage to your furniture
  • Integrated Design: Kwadratowy drapak dla kotów domowych ma górny słupek z sizalu i dolną, wydrążoną część, w której znajduje się wisząca kulka, meeting your cat's curiosity while providing it with maximum entertainment. Furniture is no longer a target for your cat to scratch
  • Multiple Ways to Play: This cat scratcher post features 2 dangling balls and a toy mouse, enough for cats to enjoy endless fun whether chasing the hanging balls or catching the toy mouse, fully releasing their active nature!
  • Stable Base: The tall cat scratching post’s thick base is 15"Lx 15"W, made of quality particleboard with enough stability and durability. You don't have to worry about the sisal fabric cat scratcher post tipping over or being unstable, as it provides a safe playground for your cat
  • Łatwy montaż: The cat pole has a simple design with clearly labeled accessories. You just need to follow the instructions to assemble it, and you will soon have a fun and thoughtful scratching tool for your furry friend at home
Cat Scratching Post

Why Choose HOOBRO Cat Scratching Post?

- The combination of hanging balls, a swinging toy mouse and a ball in the hole gives cats several ways to have fun.

- The wide and stable base allows cats to stretch and climb comfortably.

- The sisal rope material on the cat scratching post is durable and provides a convenient surface for cats to scratch and climb, preventing them from damaging carpets or other furniture.

- The simple and stylish design, allows the cat scratching post to seamlessly blend in with your furniture.

Cat Scratching Post


KolorRustykalny brąz
TworzywoPłyta wiórowa, Lina sizalowa, Plusz
Rozmiar produktu15"Lx 15"szer.x 28.3"H
Waga produktu10 funty
Zawartość opakowania1 x Cat Scratching Post; 1 x Zestaw akcesoriów; 1 x Instrukcje


 Toy Mouse

Toy Mouse

The toy mouse add freshness and more choices of fun for cats.

Top Plush Platform

Removable Plush Padded Top

Cats can rest on the plush padded top when they are tired of playing, which is soft and removable.

Ball in the Hole

Ball in the Hole

The hidden ball design allows cats to get more play time.

sisal post

Sisal Post

Sisal posts for cats to scratch make furniture no longer a target for cats to scratch.

Notatki HOOBR:

- For the characteristics of materials, please position the product away from fire sources.

- Please strictly follow the instructions for the assembly of the product.

Zapytanie hurtowe dla FG01CP03

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