
Zestaw hurtowych bagażników 4, Składana walizka stojak na pokój gościnny, sypialnia, hotel, metalowy uchwyt bagażu z półką do przechowywania tkanin, 27 X 15.3 X 22 cale, oszczędność miejsca, czarny


Żelazo, Płótno

Rozmiar produktu


SKU: BK04XLP401 Kategoria:


  • easy packing and unpacking: this hotel-style luggage rack allows you to pack and unpack quickly, utrzymując bagaż z dala od podłogi. without having to bend over, z łatwością dotrzesz do potrzebnych Ci ubrań, i bez konieczności wkładania całego bagażu do łóżka, your life is as orderly as it is even when you're on the go
  • multipurpose helper: this luggage rack has 2 warstwy. the top rack is composed of 5 mocne nylonowe paski dla lepszego trzymania walizki, podczas gdy dolna warstwa to dodatkowy stojak z tkaniny oxford do przechowywania butów, torebki lub inne drobiazgi. 2-layer luggage stand offers the right place to store items in different sizes and plays its value in your trips or home life
  • folding design, free operation: this suitcase stand is mainly made of iron pipes, który jest wystarczająco mocny, aby utrzymać walizkę 100 funty. designed in simple structure for quick storage, Ten bagażnik można łatwo złożyć w kilka sekund i schować do szafy, pod łóżkiem lub sofą, nie wymaga dodatkowej przestrzeni
  • practical layers: the luggage rack can be a practical 2-layer storage rack. in addition to the suitcases, the storage boxes can also be well stored. in your bedroom, it will keep your regular pajamas and spare bedding assured to help you save more time for your hobbies as a perfect supplement of daily storage
  • necessary for guest rooms: you may need a moment stop during the hurried life journey but have nowhere to place your carry-on luggage. this metal suitcase stand can be your tour pal who can organize your luggage with a gentle deployment and what you need to do is to feel the natural scenery casually. you will have no hassle in preparing rooms when friends come to visit because this luggage rack stands by your side and then you can have more time to create cherished memories with your friends
luggage rack

folding luggage rack for guest room

  • the 2 layers are the home for your suitcase, buty, handbags and other little luggage.
  • you can retract this luggage rack against the wall or in any corners without occupying too much.
folding luggage rack

luggage rack, suitcase stand with fabric storage shelf

  • with this suitcase stand, you do not need to bend over for tidying your luggage.
  • as an integral part of the guest room, luggage rack colorizes the space and makes your guests feel at home.
tworzywo:stal, heavy-duty nylon straps
overall size:27"L x 15.3"W x 22"H
maks. static weight capacity:100 funty
Zawartość pakietu:1 x luggage rack; 1 x Zestaw akcesoriów; 1 instrukcje x

Zapytanie hurtowe dla BK04XLP401

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