Χονδρική σκιά ηλίου, Sun Shade Sail, Αντιανεμικό και αδιάβροχο 93% Μπλοκ UV, Απορρήτου Αντηλιακό, Στιβαροί δακτύλιοι έλξης, Ανθεκτικό και μη παραμορφώσιμο για στον κήπο, Μπαλκόνι, Πλακόστρωτη εσωτερική αυλή, Ταράτσα, Υπαίθριος
- στιβαρό και ανθεκτικό: the sun shade sail has good elasticity and excellent durability, και δεν χωρίζεται εύκολα. the premium high-density woven (hdpe material ) μπορεί να αντέξει την καυτή ακτινοβολία του ήλιου. the wear-resistant stainless steel creates an arc-shaped round and corrosion-resistant loops
- high shading rate, uv protection: the new and tightly woven material is resilient against the sun and blocks 93% των επιβλαβών υπεριωδών ακτίνων; the unique processing technology can protect you and your family from damage to the skin from ultraviolet rays for a long time
- ventilated and breathable: the mesh structure of the material allows hot air to escape and achieves good ventilation. because of this, you can use it as a sunshade in summer and autumn, αντι-παγωμένη νωρίς την άνοιξη το βράδυ, above cars for heat insulation, και τα λοιπά.
- ideal use: 4 stainless steel pull loops and 2 m long ropes are included for assembly, which can resist wind gusts; the edging is smooth and beautiful, and the high-quality sewing and crimping process is meticulous; widely used for gardens, βεράντες, πισίνες, barbecue grill station, και τα λοιπά.
- Εύκολο στη συναρμολόγηση: find a few fixed points on the walls or pillars and tie them with a rope. εξάλλου, the rope needs to be tightened properly to prevent it from sagging. to prolong the use life, you can remove the shade sail in bad weather