Großhandel schwimmende Regale, Schwebende Wandregale, Satz von 3, Wandmontiertes Hängeregal, Dekorative Lagerregale, für Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer, Flur, Küche, Badezimmer, Weiß und Gold
- modern light luxury: the pure white panel of every wall shelf gives a sense of simplicity, Helligkeit und Geräumigkeit. the golden frame adds a touch of luxury and nobility, wodurch das Wandregal empfindlicher wird. all is full of modernity and fashion
- premium structure: every floating wall shelves is built with 2 seitliche Dreiecksrahmen aus Metall und hochwertige Spanplatten, Bietet starke Belastbarkeit und Stabilität. each shelf bears up to 22 Pfund, letting you confidently place various items without future hassles
- diy combination: this 3-piece wood wall shelves set allows for free combination according to personal preferences and needs, creating various decorative effects. whether placed together or separately, they provide more decoration options for your space
- versatile usage: the floating shelves can be used in various scenarios, inklusive Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer, Küche, and bathroom to store ornaments, aromatherapy, Bücher, bathroom supplies, usw., enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of your home
- fast assembly: the installation of this wood floating shelves set is very simple, with a small number of parts and a clear structure. the manual and labels can clearly guide you through assembly and enable you to finish all effortlessly
Großhandelsanfrage für FS13GW