Großhandel Kopfteil Queengröße, Queen-Kopfteil, nur mit Ablagefach, Abnehmbare gepolsterte Kopfteile mit Ladestation, Robust und stabil, Rustikales Braun, Grau und
- ergonomic reclined angle: the backrest of this headboard features a scientifically designed 100-degree recline that perfectly conforms to the human body curve. the queen headboard not only adheres to ergonomics but also provides ultimate comfort, making your rest time pleasant and cozy
- dual-use headboard: fully covered with soft-upholstery, Das gepolsterte Kopfteil im Queen-Size-Format bietet eine weiche Haptik, die Müdigkeit sofort vertreibt. the upholstery is easily removable for hassle-free cleaning and can be freely switched to a paneled style for versatile aesthetics
- flexible socket configuration: the power strip of the upholstered headboard queen, adjustable to your needs, comes with a 59-inch long power cord, 2 Wechselstromgeschäfte, Und 2 USB -Anschlüsse. it keeps your phone, betrachten, and lamp powered up within easy reach, offering convenience at your fingertips
- extensive functionality: the top open storage shelf, Messung 60.2"l x 4.7"w, is handy for placing items like your phone, Gläser, and alarm clock, creating a neat and cozy sleeping space. detachable side handles enhance convenience during nighttime
- adjustable design: mit 3 pre-drilled holes for height adjustment, the queen bed headboard with storage also comes with a bed frame adapter that enables width adjustments to accommodate variations in different brands for a perfect fit with your bed frame
Großhandelsanfrage für BH75UBR