DCHR6601 DC66

أثاث قفص الكلاب بالجملة, منزل كلب خشبي للكلاب الصغيرة المتوسطة, قفص الكلب الثقيل مع الباب القابل للقفل, طاولة نهاية البيت الداخلي المزخرفة, مضغ, ريفي براون

حجم المنتج

68× 48 × 65.5 سم


مجلس الجسيمات, حديد

رمز التخزين التعريفي: DCHR6601 فئة:


  • Multi-purpose side table: This dog crate furniture can be used as a pet box or as a side table, dining table or bedside table, easy to blend into your interior. The wide top provides enough space for some decorative items such as small and medium plants, المجلات, family photos and night lighting
  • Left? يمين? Do what you want! The side door can be installed left or right to meet different space requirements. Open the side door if you want your furry friend to enter or leave the dog kennel furniture freely. The combination of iron tubes keeps the crate ventilated all around to ensure good air circulation. Your dog can also observe the situation from the inside
  • هيكل قوي: The heavy duty dog crate is made of premium chipboard and thick metal fence, وهو قوي ودائم, not easy to damage and deform, even if chewed or licked by the dog. All handrails are sturdy enough to ensure your naughty buddy can stay inside safely
  • Cozy and private space: As our family, dogs need a private space to rest. The combination of kennel and furniture makes this dog crate more than just a kennel. The modern style and design fit perfectly into your interior to keep you and your pup comfortable and warm!
  • Choose a suitable dog crate: أبعاد: 26.8"ل س 18.9"ث س 25.8"ح. These indoor dog cage furniture is best for most small to medium sized dogs, spacious and comfortable. Measure the size of your dear partner and give him maximum comfort

Wooden Dog Kennel for Small Medium Dogs


The wooden multi-purpose kennel with double door design, متينة وسهلة التنظيف, is your ideal choice! The extra-large space provides the ideal comfortable resting area for your dog. Give your pet a soft and cozy place to rest and relax!

أثاث قفص الكلاب


  • لون: ريفي براون, أسود
  • مادة: الخشب هندسيا, معدن
  • حجم المنتج: 26.8"ل س 18.9"ث س 25.8"ح
  • الأعلى. سعة التحميل الثابتة للأعلى: 100 رطل

التحقيق بالجملة ل DCHR6601 DC66

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